10 – HTML – Learning more

So that’s a quick guide to HTML.

HTML is relatively easy to understand and once you have learned the basics you can simply combine elements you have learned to create a functioning website.


If you are looking to expand your knowledge further, Mozilla is a great place to learn and one of the resources I used the most

Online courses

You can find many places to learn how to code in HTML, I have tried both Codeacademy and Freecodecamp and they are great.

Build some demos

The best way to learn, once you have built up some knowledge, is through doing. So, go open your text editor and spend some time making simple HTML demos.

Next: Learning CSS

I hope that by sharing this it has helped you on your own journey to learn how to code. For me its time to take a look at CSS, so that I can make the design of a basic HTML page come to life with colour, layout, animation and other visual effects.

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